Imagine you have worked for 30 or 40 years in a successful and fulfilling career. You have carefully saved your money, and your retirement day is just around the corner.
Perhaps for the first time in your life, you have the time to do what you really want to do, how you want to do it, and with whom. Life is your oyster.
Sounds glorious, right?
In theory, it does, but the reality for many people entering into retirement or who have been retired for many years is having feelings of confusion and disappointment. Their retirement wasn’t what they expected.
They are left struggling with:
- A lack of purpose
- A loss of identity
- Not filling time with meaningful activities
- Missing work friends and colleagues
- Loneliness and isolation
- Not feeling like the same person as before
- Being out of sync with their spouse
- Volunteer work that isn’t fulfilling or going as planned
- Wanting to do new things but not following through
- Weight gain and watching too much TV
- Depression and anxiety
- Substance abuse
Retirement planning is considered one of the most stressful events people will experience in their lives. While many prepare for the financial aspects of retirement, they haven’t considered the emotional side.
Retirement can no longer be compartmentalized into just a financial event. It needs to be a comprehensive, all-encompassing approach that goes one step further by integrating the mental, social, physical, and spiritual aspects of life after work.
If you are struggling in your retirement and not sure where to start with your planning or just need some help along the way, consider working with Retire Ready Canada. I will help you identify what is missing in your life in retirement and assist you to create happiness, fulfillment, and meaning once again.